Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Update

I realize it has been a long time since I've been on here. Since coming back from France, I've just been really enjoying my time not in school (as I do every summer). I also have no job and no internship, so I'm really being a bum (again, this is no different from other summers). It would be nice to keep putting money in my bank though. With all the vacation time I would need to take off from a job, who would hire me anyways? The way I see it...I have plenty of time to work in my life. Let me enjoy my last summer of freedom!

I spent some time at the Del Mar Fair...

I also spent a week in Nor Cal, where we met up with Will, Tejas, and Brian for the 4th of July in San Francisco.
Will has cherry seeds in his mouth.

Yeah, I've been living it up this summer. There's still plenty more to come, too. In two weeks I am going on a cruise to Ensenada, Mexico with the women in my family! It will be my first cruise experience, and I'm thinking it will be a lot of fun.

I sure do love summer breaks!