Tuesday, December 7, 2010

(525,600 minutes) * 3

November 22, 2010 - Will and I celebrated our three year anniversary together...wait, is that right?? Three years? Wow...it just boggles my mind!

This year, it was my turn to plan the activities for the day, as Will carefully planned our two year anniversary celebration (amazing Indian dinner + front row seats to a play = a very fun time!). I decided to keep it somewhat casual as well as local this year, so we spent the day in Murrieta/Temecula.

First, we had lunch at the Chili's restaurant in Murrieta. We had our first date at Chili's (although, it was one in San Bernardino), so I thought it would be fun to start off our day there. The food was delicious as usual, and I was happy to use my gift cards that have been sitting in my wallet for a while.

I'm not sure what this face means...

It was off to the next event! I took him to a place I visited many times growing up - Mulligan's Family Fun Center. It had been years since I last went there. It looked pretty different inside the arcade area, but we were focusing on an outdoor event...miniature golf! We made sure to play both "courses", even though I don't think they want you to do that. Oh well! ;)

My first of two hole-in-ones! =D

He's kind of sad...

...because I won both rounds! Now, he wants a rematch.

Will was kind enough to agree to our next activity - seeing the new Harry Potter movie. Although he has not read the books, he has at least seen all the movies and has a general understanding of what's going on. Maybe someday I will convince him to read the books...they are so good!

Finally, our night was coming to an end. Not before we enjoyed a delicious dinner at P.F. Chang's, though! It was Will's first time at this restaurant, and let's just say that there were no leftovers...

Enjoying my first Mai Tai...it was quite tasty!

These mini-desserts are SO GOOD!

Ah...another great anniversary to celebrate another great year together! It's been really hard being so far away from him this school year, but it certainly does make our visits with each other that much more special. I can't wait to see what is in store for year four!

1 comment:

Will said...

"...he wants a rematch."

I demand a rematch! I should have had two hole in ones myself, but Mulligan's only likes you...

As for next year, well, it'll be difficult to plan it as a surprise, since you'll be able to keep an eye on me 24 / 7....